When you choose to buy a new reborn you have several options.

You can of course buy brand new custom made.

Or you can buy a pre loved baby.

We have choosen to buy a pre loved baby from instagram and we thought that we would share with you how that goes.

First we have to choose which baby we want to buy. Once you have found the baby you would like you need to contact the current owner.

We have found the baby we want .

She is different from anything we currently have in our nursery.

The artist is not one that we have ever used before so I am interested in seeing her work.

I will also be doing a seperate article about her nursery which is called the Owls Nest Nursery.

Payments with them have been very flexable and we have been able to work out an agreement which made it possible for me to purchase the baby.

Communication has been great with the artist and it has so far been regular.

Payments are made easy through Paypal and an invoice helps you keep a eye on how much you still owe so that everyone knows.

I will update this article during each step of this process and fingers crossed I will at the end add the video with this little babies box opening.

Like I have said this baby is not one that we have anything like in the nursery so far, so we are looking forward to adding her to the collection.


As of the 20th February 2017 this baby has been fully paid for.

Update 22nd feb.

Baby has now been posted to us.

Cant wait for her to get here. Fingers crossed there will be no delay.

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