Rose doll show 2022 may have only just announced their dates, but this does not stop people who are hoping to attend for the first time from worrying a little.
What would they worry about you may ask.
Well as a hopeful first time attendee next year I can tell you the things I am anxious about.
First is making sure I have all the tickets I want to get to attend everything that I want to see.
Next is the accomadation.
Having never been there before I have no idea what the location of the venue is like.
What is close to it, restaurants and shops, also how close is the hotel to the conference centre.
Also comes the bigger worry of if you will fit in.
Many of the people that are at Rose go every year.
Being an outsider to that how easy will it be to find people to talk to and to not feel alone there.
It wouldn’t be great to go all that way and find that I was sat by myself most of the time and not talking to anyone.
Then of course you have to cost worry.
Not living in the US greatly increases the cost of attending the event.
Add to that the spending money as it’s impossible to go there and not want to buy a baby.
Will next year be your first time and is there something your anxious about?
Or are you an Rose show veteran that can offer some advice?