Bountiful Babies have two more upcoming kit releases.
The finished babies made their debut at the Rose Doll Show to much admiration.
I have no doubts that these babies will be a huge success and will be widely popular.
These babies are so cute, I can’t wait to see the different versions that become available.
The babies that were shown at the Doll Show are now on sale on eBay.
Bountiful Babies have sent this message.
‘Hey Everyone!
We have another gorgeous Realborn® Ashley prototype on eBay now! This Ashley was beautifully reborn by Silvia Ezquerra:
Ashley is an amazing new Realborn® that was introduced at the 2022 ROSE International Doll Expo, where she was loved by everyone who saw her! She will be released on our website very soon, so be sure to watch for her!
We also have a new Everly prototype on eBay now! Everly is an adorable Denise Pratt baby, who was beautifully reborn by Melissa George. Be sure to check out her auction as well: