A cute little Adelina sculpted by Elisa Marx is available for purchase.
The full price of this cute little kit is currently $89.99.
Complete babies made with this kit are 19-20 inches in length.
This look has full arms and is really cute for this little guy.
The legs of the kit are full front loading legs.
Since this is a sleeping baby, there is no need to buy eyes.
This look requires a soft cloth body, which can be purchased separately as it is not included in the kit price.
You shouldn’t have to worry about finding Elisa Marx’s Adelaina because it’s an open kit.
The kit is made from stunning peach German vinyl.
To purchase your own Adelaina, click on the link below.
Buy Elisa Marx’s Adelaina here
Don’t worry if this isn’t the kit for you.
We have many other styles available.
To view, click the link below.
Other Rebirth Sculptures Available