This stunning baby by top reborn artist
Silvia Ezquerra is the first of many to be completed.

Rose 2019

Silvia was so happy about this that she took to social media to share the news.

“I am so excited I oficially finished the painting of my first reborn for ROSE dollshow!

“Still 9 months to go! anyone thinks is not a lot time to prepare all babies and stuff like me? :P”

Rose 2019

This little beauty will have no troubles finding a new home and I know that the lucky person that takes this sweetie home will be so happy.

Rose 2019

I challenge anyone not to love just how perfect this darling is.

Rose 2019

If you are attending the show next year, make sure you stop by and say hi to her, and if you’re lucky have a snuggle with her babies.

Rose 2019

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