Another artist has confirmed that they will be a vender at Rose Doll 2022.
This time it is Elisabetta Monari.
This talented artist has made so many stunning babies that it is impossible to not find one that you will love.
Elisabetta had a successful 2022 show which is no surprise.
Many people left her booth happy, not just because of the babies but also because of Elisabetta herself.
Her booth next year will be one not to miss.
Her booth this year was amazing.
Elisabetta is also so generous.
She was a part of the baby donations and gave one of her babies for free to a very worthy and special lady.
As well as all this, she is also a teacher of her art.
She runs classes when she can passing on her tips and skills.
So anyone that hasn’t before make sure you find her next year and say hi.