Gemini Reborn Nursery

Some people are meant to do certain things in their life, a calling maybe. I think this could easily be true of Richell from Gemini Reborn Nursery.

Her paintwork is simply stunning.

So far I have been lucky enough to own one of her babies and love her to bits.

This year Richell decided to attend the Rose Doll Show for the first time.

And boy was she a success.

Within five minutes of the doors being opened she had made her first sale.

Not bad for a Rose Doll Show rookie huh?

But if I am honest I’m not at all surprised that she was such a success.

Her booth looked amazing and the idea of ​​being a vendor excited her more than scared her.

When I asked her if there was something that she wanted to say, she got a little bit carried away.

So I decided that I would just show you all what she had to say.

“This year was my first year being a vendor at the Rose doll I worked on all my babies little by little all year long.

I made about 12 but sold a few to help me with expenses I took 8 dolls +1 contest baby Kami-Rose.

I was so nervous going into everything because we’ll I’m a new artist and not sure if anyone would be interested in my dolls, but if it wasn’t for letha mellman for stopping me last year and asking about my saskia I would have never had the courage to do it.

She told me my saskia was beautifully painted and she would love to see me as a vendor next year so I did exactly that lol.

I had an amazing time the doors opened up at 9am I heard the crowd of people counting down 10,9,8,7,….. And they all came running in and a girl ran straight to my table and said hi I want this one!!

It was Levi by Bonnie Brown she said she followed me on Instagram and she knew what she wanted.

I made my first sale right at the start of the show ! I cried lol happy tears.

I sold half my babies that day and a few more the next I left with 1 baby + my contest baby.

The owner Ann told me she never saw a first time buyer do so good and she would love to have me back next year so I’ll see everyone again at the 2022 Rose Doll Show”

I am glad that her first experience was such a positive one.

It has just made me want to go to next years show even more.

I can’t wait to see the amazing babies that Richell is sure to take next year.

My shopping list for next year just got longer.

But it is all worth it.

So with this years show now under her belt, I am eager to see how this will motivate Richell for next year and make her become even more ambitious.

Maybe next year there will be more babies for sale.

Personally I can’t wait.

Heres looking forward to next year.

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