It has been a little while since I have done a reborn blog so I decided to do one today.

Reborn blog

The 11th November as some of you may know is rememberance sunday.

So even though we may not currently be in the UK we still honoured this in our house with the moments silence.

And in my house a moments silence is pretty much all you will get in the day.

Today was spent with starting the process of packing up some more of my reborns ready for them to begin their journey to their new home.

This is of course a time that is sad as no one likes to say goodbye to their babies.

Reborn blog

But with lots of things in life things that you must do are sometimes the hardest.

So with most of my babies leaving, I will have to spend a lot of time to now sort out all the clothing and accessories that I now have.

I do still have several babies that are looking for their new homes.

Reborn blog

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