Today I spent time going back down memory lane by looking through some of the old photos that I have of the reborns.

We were looking together at photos of the nursery a year ago.

It is such fun looking back over how the nursery used to be.

Memory lane

Also to see some babies which we no longer have with us now.

The span of one year takes in three different homes and four different nurseries.

Looking at the pictures can make me miss certain things that we used to have.

Memory lane

Taking a walk down memory lane can at times be a bad thing, it makes you see things that you may have lost throughout the year.

But it has made me more determined to get back to having a room that is just for my reborns.

One day I am determined to have that back again.

It has been a fairly quiet day in the nursery today, everyone has been on the whole very well behaved.

The only incident we had was when Katie took Tammys’ dummy/paci.

This made Tammy cry and having to be settled down again.

But luckily this did not take ages to do.

I am just hoping that with such a calm day, they will not have be up all night.

But time will tell i guess and we will see what the night brings.

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