So you know how to say “the customer is always right”?

And what about when those customers aren’t there at all.

reborn artist

I’ve recently noticed an increase in the number of artists being treated very badly by clients.

These artists feel exploited and exploited.

They are also helpless because everyone thinks the customer is right.

But if this customer receives their product and then decides to try it and get their money back, basically they get their kids for free and the artist not only pays out of pocket, but is disappointed and undervalued.

reborn artist

These babies are not made in two minutes.

Hours of hard work and dedication go into making each piece.

Some artists make a living by selling babies and paying bills.

If a con artist’s client messes up, it could hit the artist and their family hard.

If customers have the right to cancel their purchases before they receive their dolls, why can’t artists enjoy the same luxury?

reborn artist

Why can’t artists get out of the deal anytime they want?

It seems unfair to me that we as clients have more power than actual artists.

So I think yes, artists should have the same rights as their clients and everyone who signs an agreement should abide by it.

Now I am not a saint.

reborn artist

I have agreed to buy certain babies and have had to withdraw a few times.

I won’t often add that in my four years of this hobby and buying 30 babies, I think only twice.

This is due to my unexpected situation.

But what I did was contact the artist to explain what was going on and ask what they wanted to do.

The ending was very friendly and I’m still friends with both artists.

So what I would say to every client is the idea.

Think about how you would feel if your actions affected you.

Give all artists the respect they deserve.

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