With Rose Doll show in full swing I am bringing you as many photos and stories as possible. One booth I would certainly head straight for is Dizons designs.

dizons designs

Dizon designs is run by the multi talented Susan Dizon.

Her skills seem endless.

dizons designs

The bags she has made have been made stitch perfect.

It is clear to see Susans creative talent.

dizons designs

The products have been made with love and such attention to detail.

The bags Susan makes are stunning, the unique idea of ​​the bag is something that I have always loved.

dizons designs

Each of the bags Susan creates are full of character.

The bags themselves also seem to have their own personality.

dizons designs

Dizons designs also create the most amazing babies.

You will not find any fault with her babies at all.

You will be in awe of her work.

The skills she demonstrates is breath taking.

dizons designs

So I hope you enjoy all these pictures of Susans booth.

I challenge anyone to not be amazed and not fall in love with her items.

dizons designs

A true talent and wonderful lady within our community.

dizons designs

This bag is stunning. I love this bag. Superb.

dizons designs

dizons designs

dizons designs

dizons designs

dizons designs

dizons designs

dizons designs

dizons designs

dizons designs

dizons designs

dizons designs

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