We’ve been in the Rebirth community for about four years, which means my daughter entered Rebirth when she was eight.
Now many may feel that this is too young to be reborn.
But every child is different and you have to judge what each situation is
In this case, I felt that being born again would be a great thing, and it’s a hobby I could share with my daughter, giving us both time and time to bond.
Now, as a mother of five, I find it important to connect with each child, and I find the easiest way is to find something they love and that they love and engage in.
For me personally, it didn’t take much to go into rebirth because I’ve always been maternal.
Our love for Reborns has grown since we first ordered our first custom baby.
We spent hours of fun together shopping for babies, naming new babies, discussing videos to do, and more.
I think it has been very beneficial for both of us to develop this hobby with our daughter.
Personally, I don’t see a time when I would develop this hobby like this, but I know my daughter probably will.
When that happens, I’ll take it and continue the hobby on my own. But I will always cherish the time we will spend together.
So all in all, I love having this hobby with my daughter because it gives us a lot and I won’t change it.